Snow last 24 hrs – 0
Base- 0-4
Hello- Warmer day Thursday and Friday did not help us.. Although the sun has been beautiful, it has taken a toll on access roads into towns. Riders impressions vary widely , but just had one come into the bar today (Saturday-noon) and said “trails were great and rode 80-90 miles in two hours this morning . Winter Promotions is going to halt grooming for a bit until we get some more snow .. We probably will hit a few areas where it can handle it and leave the thin areas alone for a bit . Some snow is expected tonight and this week , so hoping to get 4-6” so groomers can get back at it.
VERY cool music in Coyote bar next Friday & Saturday… singer/songwriter, Kendell Marvel will be in town from Nashville area.. He has written many big hits you likely know and will be a special treat.. Adam Joynt opens the music Friday at 830 and Nicolas Sake opens on Saturday. We have a few $20 seated tickets – otherwise it will SRO for $10.
FYI- Please be respectful when riding on private Coyote property.. No racing in the field or fencing will have to go up ! Thanks for understanding —- Pete